Thursday, December 20, 2007

Childhood memories

When I was a kid my parents used to take us to the Canadian Gulf Islands for a couple of weeks in the summer on a small sailboat. I thought I'd see if I could find any pictures of familiar places on Flickr so I typed in Portland Island. Portland is one of the smaller islands and also one of my favorites.
Snorri Gunnarson is a photographer who has covered some of the same ground I did as a kid. He has beautiful pictures of Portland Island, Barkley sound, Victoria and more on his Flickr page. I really enjoyed reliving some of that time through his pictures.

1 comment:

krl2pt0 said...

mistress c:

i am impressed to see you hanging in there with this stuff. good for you - i applaud your tenacity. especially when it is keeping you from those very important things like eating dirt with that charming young fellow.
